Reuben's Project Portfolio Page
Long Time No See (LTNS) is a desktop task tracking app made for financial advisors to manage their contact base, policies and events, and stay connected with their clients. Made simpler with an intuitive and minimalistic graphical user interface (GUI) and customised functionalities to pinpoint your needs, LTNS will enable you to stay close to your dearest clients!
Summary of Contributions
Code contributions and Enhancements Implemented
Code Contributions can be found at this link
- New Feature: Added Sort Feature which allows users to Sort their clients based on certain metrics
- Justification: Users would want a way to filter and sort through their clients based on metrics such as name, income or risk appetite
- Highlight 1: Variety of sorting metrics available to users - name, phone number, email, income, birthday, risk appetite
- Highlight 2: Extremely scalable, sorting uses each attribute’s own comparator, a new attribute or sorting metric is easy to implement
- New Feature: Collaborated with Colin to create the Event model, including deleting and viewing events, and the Calendar feature
- Justification: A new model of the application. Users would want a way to store their upcoming appointments as well.
- Highlight 1: Events contain description, date, start and end time and is also tagged to a client
- Highlight 2: Users can view Events in 2 ways, either all Events or upcoming Events in the next 7 days
- Test Enhancement: Wrote model stubs and main testing for Event class
Project Management
- Organized issue tracker and helped resolve merge conflicts
- Ensure deadlines are all in check
Contributions to UG
- Table of Contents
- Overall formatting of UG Feature Section
- Glossary
- Hyperlinks manager
- Documentation for Sort Feature
- Documentation for Calendar Feature and Viewing Events feature
- Consistency and grammatical rectifications
Contributions to DG
- Edited UI Component along with the UI Component’s UML Diagram
- Implementation of Sort Feature, including sequence diagram and activity diagram
- MSS and Test cases of Sort Feature
- Glossary Update
Contributions to team-based tasks
- Helped to resolve merge conflicts of others’ Pull Requests
- Main reviewer for Hong Sheng
- PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): 6
- Reported above average number of bugs during PE-D
- Reported bugs for User Guide and Developer Guide of other teams in the class
- Helped classmate in debugging his Mac Java version error
- Active in IP forum
- Git / Github
- SourceTree
- Intelli-J